Entering a grant in your forecast

If you have received a grant, including it as revenue in your forecast is important. This applies to both nonprofit and for-profit companies. The terms of the grant determine the timing of the revenue. We recommend reading it carefully, following its timing rules, or consulting your financial advisor for further guidance. 

Entering a grant

  1. In the Forecast section, on the revenue page, click Add Revenue Stream:
    forecast section revenue page full add revenue stream highlighted.png

  2. Give the stream a title that identifies it as a grant and select the Revenue Only model:

  3. Choose Varying amounts over time so that you can enter the whole amount in the month in which you'll receive it (or, if you receive payments, you can enter those instead):

  4. Click Create & Exit to save the changes and return to the revenue section of your forecast.
    create and exit.png
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